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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Robert Fischetti and Connie Clark - Staten Island, NY

When The Post exposed the taunting incident in February 2006, a DOE spokeswoman called the conduct of Fischetti and bus matron Connie Clark "inhuman" and said they were permanently banned from working with kids.

The shocking verbal abuse of P.J. who cannot speak was captured on a tape recorder that Lisa Rossi hid in his knapsack on Sept. 30, 2005.

That morning, P.J. boarded the bus and soon began banging his head against a seat 80 times over the 90-minute ride and howling in pain.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, you little dog!" said Clark.

Fischetti said, "Good one!" after P.J. banged his head one time, called him a "phony . . . sack of s- - -" and teasingly offered him cookies and cupcakes.

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